Click on the star at the left to see and hear the Voice Thread of our 100 Day project. We are trying to collect 100 comments from friends and family. Send the link on and encourage grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and neighbors to respond to our writing. They can record their own voices through the phone or computer microphone, or write a response. It's fairly easy to do! Please remember not to use real names when commenting. Students are excited about their pen names and are learning to stay safe on the internet! (Pen names can be seen by hovering over the photo to the left of each writing piece.)
A few students haven't quite finished their work yet, so if you don't see it, we'll hopefully have it up tomorrow.
We've also talked about bringing in a collection of 100 of something, so I hope you can participate. Please make sure the collection fits in your child's backpack.