Thursday, August 26, 2010

How's Lunch?

I have been in the lunchroom the past two days helping students get acclimated to eating in a busy lunchroom. Kindergarteners eat the first half of the lunch period and then go out to play. If they don't finish eating by the time the table is needed again, they may move to another table so they have plenty of time to eat. You can find the monthly hot lunch menu on the district website under "Food Service."
A couple of things you may want to discuss with your child:
- Should your child get milk? Chocolate, skim, or 1%?
- whether or not your child will like the hot lunch menu offered on a particular day

I won't always be in the lunchroom. In the beginning of the year especially, lunch staff may check a young child's lunch to see how much he or she has eaten. Depending on how much is packed, we'll expect a child to eat all or most of the lunch. It helps if food they like is packed. We want to make sure children don't rush out to play and have eaten enough to have energy for the afternoon.

If you have any questions, or if there is a problem your child isn't comfortable telling me yet, please don't hesitate to email me.