Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Few Reminders...

  • Turn in your Book It! calendars for December if you haven't already. If you ever lose a calendar, you can print any one off the internet.

  • Tuesday is our day to check out books at the library. Today students "graduated" to the privilege of checking out two books. They cannot check out any books if another is overdue, so make sure to return them each week.

  • Tuesday and Friday are our P.E. days. Don't forget gym shoes, especially on days when students wear boots to school. They may want to dress in layers, too, in case they get hot in the gym.

  • You wouldn't guess it from the weather lately, but it IS winter. Make sure to dress appropriately for the weather. We go outside unless the temperature or windchill dip into the single digits. Label all your things!

  • Please continue to bring a folder back and forth to school. If you lose yours or it is ruined, please replace it. Empty it at home each night.