Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Correction for B.E.A.R

Be Enthusiastic About Reading!
Last month a flier went home for a bookmark design competition.  You also got an October calendar to keep track of your reading at home.  Each month, every student will get a new calendar.  If you read 25 minutes a night for at least 20 nights per month (and your homework is already to read 20 minutes a night,) indicate that on your calendar and return it to school at the end of the month.  Children who do so will receive a bookmark.  Any child who does this at least 6 times out of the next 7 months (October - April) will receive a free book from the PTO.  Again, this is replacing the Pizza Hut Book It calendars from past years, as the district is trying to encourage healthier eating habits and move away from using food as a reward.
As an FYI,
  • It doesn't have to be that exact calendar.  If you lose yours, just print one from online and use that.
  • "Reading" can mean students reading independently or with support, or listening to a book read aloud.