Sunday, November 15, 2009

In the classroom...

  • On Friday I sent home a template of a turkey with instructions on the back. I can't wait to see how creative you are in disguising your turkey. You can use just about anything to keep him from getting eaten for Thanksgiving dinner! Please turn them in by Wednesday.
  • Don't forget - fresh fruits and vegetables are welcome for snacks. I tell students it should look like it was just picked. We usually eat our snack during recess and children are anxious to play. Something easier to eat (half an apple, cut up instead of a whole apple) is more likely to be eaten.
  • A representative from Jr. Achievement has been coming to our classroom; your child may have mentioned Ann. Jr. Achievement is an organization that sends members of the business world to volunteer in classrooms. Ann has read stories about working together and saving money, and has follow-up activities for students.