Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The First Day

I will update this post as I get more information.

  • School starts at 8am. Students should line up near the south playground at line #12. Every Wednesday, including tomorrow, students are dismissed at 1:55. Every other day, students are dismissed at 2:55 right outside my door (8W.)

  • Parents are welcome, though not required, to come in the room tomorrow morning to watch as students begin their first day. We have an assembly at 8:20, so we will say goodbye then.

  • Please bring any school supplies on Wednesday or as soon as you have them. Folders, scissor handles, supply boxes, and headphones should be labeled.

  • This year for lunchtime, kindergarteners will play from 11 to 11:20/11:25. They will then go into the lunchroom to eat from 11:25-11:55. This is different from past years and may be different than other grade levels.

  • Students will have a home folder. Please look for it each night, empty as necessary, and return it each day. If you have a note for me, please remind your child to give it to me as I will not automatically look in it. A permission slip will go home tomorrow.