Thursday, August 25, 2011

Red light, green light!

I use a "traffic light" so students can keep track of their own behavior. We've been talking about Longfellow's expectations: be respectful, be responsible, be safe; as well as my own, which go right along with Longfellow's: be nice, follow directions, work hard. I tend to be pretty tough in the beginning of the year! Your child may tell you he or she got a yellow or red light one day. I'm trying to teach my students my expectations and find it's much easier to be tough at first and then ease up a bit, rather than the other way around. Many students test me at the beginning of the year, as is a child's nature, learn what to expect from me, and quickly improve their behavior.
I'll go into a little more detail at Curriculum Night, but feel free to ask questions any time!